Prof (Dr) Viyatprajna Acharya **************************** Once a sage didn’t allow a Yamaduta to take lives by an epidemic. Finally, the Yamaduta had to plead that he’ll […]
Prof (Dr) Viyatprajna Acharya Relieved! Or Re-Lived!! The moment when I first stepped The threshold of the learning temple, Re-lived the bowing before Ganapati, the slayer […]
Between me and my cycling… Langour of the mornings, Facebook, Whatsapp encaging– Between me and my cycling… Morning tea, Children’s drink; Fights enormous ‘Me’ the referee […]
From the diary of a diagnostician…… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Prof (Dr) Viyatprajna Acharya ************ Tch tch tch….urea and creatinine are not improving over past 5 days, rather worsening. […]
Prof (Dr) Viyatprajna Acharya @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Those were the days of cassette and tape recorders in 90’s. Unlike today, it was difficult to get any music of […]