Life fast forward
April 10, 2022
ପଖାଳ ଦିବସର ଶୁଭେଚ୍ଛା
ପଖାଳ ଦିବସର ଶୁଭେଚ୍ଛା
April 12, 2022
The house was aglow, Mirth overflow,
Sarees rustling, Kids frolicking,
Men’s glasses toasting,
Yes, it was
My girl’s wedding!Went to the corner,
Found her sulking;
Are you going to miss all the things?She looked up,
With her brows frowning
“Ah, yes! That I’ll do,
But something else
Keeps me bothering.”

“What is it my darling!
A broken heart?
Or a change so fast?
A folly of ours?
Or a mistake of your past?”

“Awww…No Mom!
Myriad of brands,
Make me confuse,
Lakme, Olay, Maybelline,
L’oreal, Colorbar, Elle 18
What do I choose?”

“I want to look my best
And cherish life’s zest,
Every eye should I please
Lips should sing my praise!”

For a moment I gaped
And peeled into laughter,
Could it be a concern?
I never knew my daughter!

I took a pause,
Stood back in repose,
“Ah! Let me then divulge
‘Kiss of life’ at large.”

Take a breath of peace
Droop down your frown;
Put the kajal of kindness
In your eyes so brown.

The blush on your cheek
Be the blessings of your deeds,
The lips may only sing,
The songs of the Divine.

Your voice so magical and sweet
May be (neck)laced with zeal,
Let your batting eyelids moisten,
Not with mascara, but tenderness to reveal.

Your ears should hear,
The words of truth and cheer,
The yellow and shiny trinkets
May not be any more dear!

Charity be the décor of your hands,
Let it be your bracelet,
A warm hug around the suffering ones
Do you need an armlet?

Tinkering of your anklet
May sound your sincere run,
To be there for the needy ones
To make someone cheer.

Your shiny face will freckle,
Bright eyes will fade,
Your taut skin will wrinkle
Your beauty may stop turning a head!

But your deeds and kindness
Make a golden glitter,
That’ll sprinkle on your life
Making the best MAKE-OVER !!!

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