Yoga day
April 10, 2022
Happy Women's day
Happy women’s day!
April 10, 2022
Happy Mother's day

In the morning I wished my girls “Happy Mother’s Day” first before they could do so….they were a bit perplexed. 

I said, “it is because of 2 reasons:

  1. You both are future mothers and a lot of responsibilities rest upon your shoulders.
  2. You both have given me the status of a MOTHER for which I am indebted to both of you.”

Then I thanked their father too for transforming me a mother from an ordinary woman.

They have been very nice kids and have been helping me in all possible ways during this lockdown period for which I am able to attend duty in time after finishing all domestic chores. 

As a doctor know not how many patients, how many apprehensive would-be parents I have come across…all want to become parents desperately. I’ve seen patients in the labour room breaking down in sorrow after a still-birth or a primigravida (becoming mother for the first time) losing a fetus in just few weeks conception due to a miscarriage. 

Mother is not just someone who gives birth to a baby but nurtures them into their true being. I have been misconstrued many a times when I say if the girls are taken care of well with proper morale and education, then rest part can be taken care of easily. I am a strong feminist and that’s why I say so.

Whenever I have seen mothers falling weak in their decisions, lack in vision, their families have suffered like hell. Whereas a learned mother (not University education per se) can make the family a true heaven.

By God’s grace I’ve been born in such a womb that if I start describing about her it would take pages and still leave me misty-eyed and unsatiated. Yes, I owe many things to my mother (Bou) and still she’s a guide and preceptor in my life. 

All Moms are great…so are my Mother Nature and Mother Nation…I bow everyone with gratitude on this very special day…HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL.

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